You’ve dreamed and planned, designed and deliberated. It’s finally time for your home remodeling to start, but have you considered potential health hazards or safety issues that could come up during your renovation? These safety tips from Centennial Construction & Remodeling Services, Inc. can help keep you and your family stay safe while your contractors focus on the project.
Mold, Asbestos, and Lead
These three offenders get a lot of airtime, and rightfully so since exposure to them can cause a wide range of health problems. If you suspect any of these are present, talk to your general contractor before work starts. Testing and remediation may have to occur, and special precautions would then be taken in order to keep your family and workers safe.
Children and Pets
Children and pets are naturally curious and may want to explore during the remodeling project. From demo zones and trash piles to wires and paint strippers, there are plenty of hazardous situations and products to get into. Make sure you have a serious talk with your kids about safety so that they know to never touch any tools, machinery, or products that are on site. Setting up a special play zone in the house and curtaining off the area that is being remodeled might help. You can also request that contractors put tools and toxic chemicals out of reach whenever they are away from the job site.
As for pets, depending on the scope of the renovation, you may want to them to stay with a friend or relative, or consider boarding them at a kennel.
Indoor Air Quality
Varnishes, sealants, paints, adhesives, carpets, and countless other building materials can emit volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, which pose many health risks. Talk to your contractor to find out if it would be possible for some work such as staining or finishing to be done off-site or outside to reduce your family’s exposure. Additionally, your home should be well-ventilated during and after the remodel to ensure good air quality. If you are concerned with indoor air quality during remodeling, you may want to read the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s guidelines to learn more.
At Centennial, not only do we focus on delivering a superior end-product, but health and safety is always on our radar. We take pride in providing excellent customer service on all our projects; just take a look at the feedback we’ve received from our customers! Contact us today at (317) 848-7634 to get a free estimate on our services in the Indianapolis area.